blog revamping
this blog is gonna be archived soon
About the Recent thing 2/20/24
sooooo about that
they said they wanted to use my account so badly because I got so many views on that trailer that I uploaded yesterday
What will happen to the channel?they'll redesign it with a little advert saying stuff about their next special presentation or something I dunno
will this effect your blips aswell
only some parts of my blips will be overrun by their special presentation
bitview is done ;( 12/30/23
it's so joever
video by hypermug1
also merry late christmas, and happy new year shitheads
I left my brother home alone for his birthday 11/?/23
I know that sounds bad, but I had to or else I'd have school.
don't worry cause I got a few things for him like Super Mario Bros. Wonder and some Pokémon Cards
go follow him on twitter and go follow his
i'm out
eracast yes 11/11/23
check this stupid ass shit
new shite 10/23/23
wow it's been a hot minute since I made a new blog post
I heard that channel 2.0 released to the public yesterday which is neat
so I experimented with some stuff for my channel background, and it worked
oh btw I made a starter channel 2.0 background for people like you so here it is
clicky clicky to get itthatsitfornowokayfuckoffnowloljkjkjkjkjkjk9uiofnkvnirinfedpom[fs;dcvesdaeas
as you can see by this blog post title some new stuff has occurred
To start off things the website now has a arcade!
yeah that's right a arcade with actual flash games
a couple more flash games will be added later or tommorow
Halloween Theme
I also launched the halloween theme for two pages the halloween theme will effect other pages later when october is in full session
working on archive
oh yeah this too
More Website Updates 9/17/23
as you can already tell by reading this I changed the website design again
this website design was made by teppyslayouts I genuinely think you should check them out!
What has changed with the website?
well as you can tell there's a bigger website banner
some other websites advertised on this page
many other pages have been updated as well
Future Website Updates
well I'm currently trying to make a chatbox page so
I'm also gonna add a page for my videos on bitview
Toons, Links, and Archive is coming up next
and some "secret pages"
ALSO I'm currently working on a toon right now so i'm gonna work on that.
Toodle-loo dumb dumbs!
Updates 9/14/23
hey did you hear that alien bodies were found?!
neither did I so I made a little doodle of it

Anyways where's Awesome Blox at?
I changed it to How 2 Super Mario because I dunno I didn't like Awesome Blox's story
I still have the .SWF file but I'm not gonna show it
that cartoon is staying in the dephts of the supreme vault archive
speaking of archive ever hear of my 2nd channel
It's called Supreme After Hours
Another channel that I made where I post archives of my old and deleted videos!
Working on Awesome Blox
so where's roblox on drugs
it's coming i'm still working on it, but for now I wanna work on something else
other than roblox on drugs
since I wanna work on animation I decided to make this little project thing
INTRODUCING AWESOME BLOX a parody of roblox in a form of a parody of Egoraptor's awesome series!
now I know what you're saying right now you wanna see it

there it is happy good cause this blog post is getting long.
Update to last post 9/8/23
I confirmed on blips last night that I'm working on something "Animated"
well when is it coming
it's a short one but it's probably gonna come out on sunday
sneak peek? no... okay maybe

Website update when? 9/7/23
so for the last few days of the week I wanted to decide on something
but I haven't even decided yet, so I'm gonna let you guys vote in a little poll
I will make the poll a little later probably on friday or saturday.
New Video 9/2/23
Gmod video I haven't even made one of these videos in a while check it out!
So uh do I want to explain what I'm currently doing? 9/1/23
yeah a couple of videos are currently being made I'm finally making the final touches on a GMod video, and then after that's released it's back to working on Roblox on Drugs probably the video that's gonna make me run out of fucking ideas, but maybe I could ask you to give me ideas please? anyways video releasing soon on bitview talk to you guys soon.

NEW homepage! 9/1/23
That's right a better looking site place that looks more better then my shitty mess of code design by teppylayouts. New website includes
- Buttons that work
- Supreme News
- And friend websites!

graphic design is my passion